Optical Simulation SDK


Our optical simulation SDK is released in a beta version and has only limited features support at the moment.
We are working on supporting more features and you can expect new versions to come out soon.


The python package installation is available using PyPi:

pip install threed-optix

Get your API key

Get your API key from 3DOptix user interface (under “user settings”):


tdo.Client object is used to communicate with 3DOptix databases and simulation engine.

import threed_optix as tdo

#Your API key from 3DOptix user interface
api_key = '<your_api_key>'

#api is the object that manages the communication with 3DOptix systems
client = tdo.Client(api_key)



tdo.Setup are the objects that represent your simulation setups in the SDK.
You could access their information:

Create a tdo.Setup

You could create a new setup with client.create_setup method. The method has the following arguments:

setup = client.create_setup(name = name,
                            description = description,
                            labels = labels,
                            private = True)

Find a setup:

First, we need to identify the setup we want to work on:

#Examine the setups:
for setup in client:
    print(setup.name, setup.id)

A setup id is unique, but the name is not unique

Then, we can get the setup object by using client.get(name) and client[id] methods:

#Get setup by name
setup_name = '<your setup name>'
setup = client.get(setup_name)

#Get setup by id
setup_id = '<your setup id'
setup = client[setup_id]


tdo.Part are the objects that represent your setup parts in the SDK.
You could access their information:

Setups with parts that were loaded from a CAD file are not supported fully at the moment.
These CAD parts will not lead to an error, but they might lead to unexpected behavior.

tdo.Detector is the object used to represent detectors. It inherits all properties and functionalities from tdo.Part while also introducing specific attributes tailored for representing detectors within the SDK.
tdo.Detector has the following additional information:

tdo.LightSource is the object used to represent light sources. It inherits all properties and functionalities from tdo.Part while also introducing specific attributes tailored for representing light sources within the SDK.
tdo.LightSource has the following additional information:

tdo.Optic is the object used to represent optics. It inherits all properties and functionalities from tdo.Part while also introducing specific attributes tailored for representing optics within the SDK.
tdo.Optic has the following additional information:

You could see a full description of these objects, as well as how to modify them, later on this document.

Add a tdo.Part:

To add a detector to the setup:

detector = setup.add_detector(**kwargs)

To add a light source to the setup:

ls = setup.add_light_source(**kwargs)

To add optic to the setup, we will have to find its db_id from the product catalog or take the number id of the created optic from client.create_xxx methods.

ls = setup.add_optics(db_id = db_id,

You could get the part number id in the ID column in the product catalog, or take the number id of the part you created.

You can add parts with any keyword arguments from part.change_config to add and change properties with the same command.

Find a part:

Almost identical to finding a setup.

#Examine the parts of the setup
for part in setup:
    print(part.label, part.id)

A part id is unique, but the label is not unique

Then, we can identify the part and start working, similarly to how we identified the setup:

#Get part by label
part_label = '<your part label>'
part = setup.get(part_label)

#Get part by id
part_id = '<your part id'
part = setup[part_id]

If the part is not found, setup[part_id] will lead to an error, and setup.get(part_label) will not.

Delete a part from the setup:

In order to remove a part from the setup, we simply use setup.delete_part method as follows:

part_to_delete = setup.get('<part_to_delete_label>')

And that’s it! The part is removed from the setup.


tdo.Surface are the objects that represent the surfaces of the part in the SDK.
You could access their information:

Create or add a tdo.Surface

Creation of new surfaces is not possible.

Find a surface:

Almost identical to finding your setups and parts within your setups.

for surface in part:
    print(surface.name, surface.id)

Then, we can identify the surface by part.get() and part[] methods:

#Get surface by name
surface_name = '<your surface name>'
surface = part.get(surface_name)

#Get surface by id
surface_id = '<your surface id>'
surface = part[surface_id]


Each surface of tdo.Optic part can have scattering properties.
To examine them, check surface.scattering property.
If the surface does not have scattering, it will return False.

Disable Surface Scattering

If a surface has a scattering that you want to disable, simply use surface.disable_scattering method.

if not surface.scattering:

Add Or Change Scattering

Scattering can be added or changed with surface.XXX_scattering methods.
Each of them acccepts the following arguments:


Requires also n parameter, which defaults to 1.5.

surface.cos_scattering(transmittance = 0.5,
                        reflection = 0.3,
                        absorption = 0.1,
                        split_ratio = 10,
                        power_threshold = 5,
                        n = 2)

Requires also sigma_x, sigma_y and azimuth_theta parameters.

surface.gaussian_scattering(transmittance = 0.99,
                            reflection = 0.01,
                            absorption = 0,
                            split_ratio = 5,
                            power_threshold = 2
                            sigma_x = 10,
                            sigma_y = 15,
                            azimuth_theta = 0)

Requires also a, b and g parameters.

surface.abg_scattering(transmittance = 0.95,
                            reflection = 0.025,
                            absorption = 0.025,
                            split_ratio = 7,
                            power_threshold = 4
                            a = 1,
                            b = 2,
                            g = 2)

Does not require unique parameters.

surface.lambartian_scattering(transmittance = 0.97,
                            reflection = 0.03,
                            absorption = 0.01,
                            split_ratio = 10,
                            power_threshold = 5,

Coordinate Systems

Part Coordinate System

You can see all of the coordinate systems that a part has in part.cs list.
Every CoordinateSystem object has name, pose, and id properties.
The local coordinate system is accesible with part.lcs, and the reference coordinate system is accesible with part.rcs (with the relevant part).

for cs in part.cs:
    print(cs.name, cs.id, cs.pose)

lcs = part.lcs
rcs, reference_part = part.rcs

The World Coordinate System

The world coordinate system is stored in tdo.GLOBAL object. You can use it as a coordinate system.

Change lcs and rcs

You can change lcs and rcs with part.change_cs method. It accepts the following arguments:

lens.change_cs(lcs = lens.cs[1])
detector.change_cs(rcs = lens.cs[0])
ls.change_cs(lcs = ls.cs[0], rcs = tdo.GLOBAL)


Find Materials From Database

Some mmethods require specific materials from our database. In order to find them, use client.search_materials method.

materials = client.search_materials('N-BK7')

materials is now a list of tdo.Material object.

for m in materials:

Finally, you can use the chosen material object or its material id directly.


tdo.Analysis are the objects that represent analyses that can be performed on a surface.
They are defined by:

A surface can contain several analysis with identical properties and different ids.
However, each analysis consumes your account resources, since analysis id holds its results.
When you run the analysis again, the last result is deleted from 3DOptix systems.
So, we reccomend storing iterations of the same analysis locally and use duplicated analyses only when you think it’s necessary.

Find existing analysis

Every new analysis consumes storage resources for your account.
So, we reccomend sticking to the same analysis if they have the same properties instead of creating new ones.
You could get a list of the tdo.Analysis of the surface like this:

setup = client.get('example')
detector = setup.get('my_detector')
detector_front = detector.get('front')
detector_front_analyses = detector_front.analyses

# Then, you could check their properties and choose the right one:

for analysis in detector_front_analyses:

Or get an existing analyses with required parameters, if the id doesn’t matter:

detector_front = setup.get('my_detector').get('front')
analysis = detector_front.find_analysis(name = name, rays = rays, resolution = resolution)

Create and add analysis

If you want to create an analysis that doesn’t exist for the surface yet, or you want to create a duplicated analysis, we can create one:

analysis = tdo.Analysis(surface: tdo.Surface,
                        name: str,
                        rays: dict {ls_object: int, ...}
                        resolution: list [int, int]

For example:

laser = setup.get('ls')
surface = detector.get('front')

analysis1 = tdo.Analysis(surface = surface,
                        resolution = [100, 200],
                        rays = {laser: 1e5, laser2: 1e4},
                        name = "Spot (Incoherent Irradiance)"
analysis2 = tdo.Analysis(surface = surface,
                        resolution = 100, #for equal height and width pixels
                        rays = 1e6, #for all of the lasers in the setup
                        name = "Spot (Incoherent Irradiance)"

You can always access all the possible analysis names with tdo.ANALYSIS_NAMES

After we created an analysis, we need to add it to the surface and setup to be able to run it.

# In case the surface doesn't have analysis with this parameter

# In case that the surface has an analysis with these parameter, and we want to add a new one anyway
surface.add_analysis(analysis, force = True)

If the analysis is duplicated, you have to use force = True to indicate that you understand that you are adding a duplicated analysis that will use more storage.
Otherwise, you will get an error.

Delete Analysis

You can delete analysis from the surface with surface.delete_analysis(analysis) method.
This can help manage memory as well as creating more smooth workflows.

results = setup.run(analysis)

Make Changes


You could move and rotate part using part.change_pose() method that moves the part to a location on the three axis (x, y, z) and rotates it in respect to them (alpha, beta, gamma).

All six numbers indicating absolute future value in respect to the part’s coordinate system, not change and not with respect to the global coordinate system.
if you want to change coordinate systems, please check part.change_cs method.

#Define the rotation
new_pose = [x, y, z, alpha, beta, gamma]

#Apply on the part

# In case that the rotation is in radians
part.change_pose(new_pose, radians = True)

#Verify change
assert part.pose == new_pose

At the beginning, we reccomend frequent sanity-checks in the GUI to make sure you got everything right.

Rotation is stated using degrees by default.
use part.change_pose(new_pose, radians = True) for radians.

Changing the pose of a part also changes the poses of every part that is related to its coordinate system.

Change part’s label

It’s possible to change part’s label:


At the beginning, we reccomend frequent sanity-checks in the GUI to make sure you got everything right.

Modify Detectors

Detectors have a detector.change_opacity() and detector.change_size() methods, that changes the detector’s opacity and size, accordingly.
This is how you use them:

# Get the detector
detector = setup.get('detector_label')

#Apply changes
detector.change_size([new_half_height, new_half_width])
detector.change_pose([x, y, z, alpha, beta, gamma])

#Verify change
print(detector.size, detector.opacity, detector.pose)

At the beginning, we reccomend frequent sanity-checks in the GUI to make sure you got everything right.

Modify Light Sources

Change wavelengths

Light sources have a light_source.change_wavelengths() and light_source.add_wavelengths() methods, that changes the light source’s wavelengths or add new ones, accordingly.
In both cases, you could pass a list of equal weight wavelengths or a dict, defining wavelength-weight pairs.
This is how you use them:

# Get the light source
light_source = setup['light_source_id']

#Backup the original light source's state

#For equal-weight wavelengths
new_wavelengths = [550, 600, 650]
#For non-equal weight wavelengths
new_wavelengths = {550: 0.5, 600: 0.7, 700: 0.3}

#Change the wavelengths completely
#Add new ones

#Change pose
light_source.change_pose([x, y, z, alpha, beta, gamma])

#Verify change
print(light_source.wavelengths, light_source.pose)

At the beginning, we reccomend frequent sanity-checks in the GUI to make sure you got everything right.

Create normal distribution
If you want to create wavelengths spectrum with a normal disribution, you could use tdo.utils.wavelengths_normal_distribution:

# Define the spectrum
wavelengths_spectrum = tdo.wavelengths_normal_distribution(mean_wavelength, std_dev, num_wavelengths)

# Modify the light source


Create uniform distribution
Similarly, If you want to create wavelengths spectrum with a uniform disribution, you could use tdo.utils.wavelengths_uniform_distribution:

# Define the spectrum
wavelengths_spectrum = tdo.wavelengths_uniform_distribution(min_wavelength, max_wavelength, num_wavelengths)

# Modify the light source


Change to gaussian beam

ls.to_gaussian() allows you to change the light source beam to a gaussian and define it.

For example:

ls = setup['light_source_id']

gaussian_beam_config = {
    "waist_x": 1,
    "waist_y": 1,
    "waist_position_x": 0,
    "waist_position_y": 0


Change to plane wave beam

ls.to_point_source() allows you to change the light source beam to a point source and define it.

For example:

plane_wave_data = {
    "source_shape": "RECTANGULAR",
    "width": 10,
    "height": 10

plane_wave_config = {
    "density_pattern": "CONCENTRIC_CIRCLES",
    "plane_wave_data": plane_wave_data


plane_wave_data = {
    "source_shape": "CIRCULAR",
    "radius": 5,

plane_wave_config = {
    "plane_wave_data": plane_wave_data,
    "density_pattern": "XY_GRID"

plane_wave_data = {
    "source_shape": "ELLIPTICAL",
    "radius_x": 7,
    "radius_y": 7
plane_wave_config = {
    "plane_wave_data": plane_wave_data,
    "density_pattern": "RANDOM"


Change to point source beam

ls.to_point_source() allows you to change the light source beam to a point source and define it.

For example:

ls = setup.get('light_source_label')
point_source_data = {
    "type": "HALF_CONE_ANGLE",
    "angle_y": 10,
    "angle_x": 10
point_source_config = {
    "point_source_data": point_source_data,
    "density_pattern": "XY_GRID",
    "model_radius": 1
point_source_data = {
    "type": "HALF_WIDTH_AT_Z",
    "dist_z": 50,
    "half_width_x_at_dist": 10,
    "half_width_y_at_dist": 10,
point_source_config = {
    "point_source_data": point_source_data,
    "model_radius": 1,
    "density_pattern": "RANDOM"

Change other properties

Other changable properties are:

At the beginning, we reccomend frequent sanity-checks in the GUI to make sure you got everything right.

Modify Several Properties Together

Changing multiple parameters sequentially can be time consuming.
In order to change several properties together at one time faster, you could use part.change_config.
In most cases, the argument are the same arguments of the original method.
In light source source type, it’s a dictionary with the arguments and values of the appropriate method.

Modify multiple properties of parts

part = setup.get('part_label')
part.change_config(label: str,
                   pose: list[float]

Modify multiple properties of detectors

detector = setup['detector_id']
detector.change_config(pose: str,
                      label: str,
                      size: tuple,
                      opacity: float

Modify multiple properties of light sources

light_source = setup['light_source_id']
light_source.change_config(pose: list, #[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,]
                           label: str, #"New label"
                           wavelengths: Union[dict,list], #{550: 0.5, 650: 1}
                           add_wavelengths: Union[dict, list], #{750: 1, 850: 0.5}
                           power: float, #1
                           vis_count: int, #150
                           count_type: str, #TOTAL
                           rays_direction_config: dict, #{'theta': 0, "phi": 0, "azimuth_z": 10}
                           opacity: float, # 0.5
                           color: str, # "#000000"
                           gaussian_beam: dict, #config
                           point_source: dict, #config
                           plane_wave: dict #config

gaussian_beam, point_source and plane_wave should be the same dictionaries defined in to_gaussian, to_point_source, and to_plane_wave.

For beginners, we reccomend step-by-step changes with frequent sanity-checks in the GUI to make sure you got everything right.

Run Simulations And Analyses


Running the simulation is really simple:

#run the simulation
ray_table = setup.run()

#Save the data locally
data_path = 'path/to/save/data.csv'

#View them as pd.DataFrame

The ray table is a custom pd.DataFrame object where each line is a single ray. The columns are:

idx Ox Oy Oz Dx Dy Dz As Ap phase_s
105 7.383775711 102.4612579 150.5897217 -0.02501097694 -0.008337006904 0.9996524453 2126145.5 2133974.0 3.118281841
114 -12.16847992 92.69891357 151.9878235 0.04484132305 0.02690477483 0.9986317754 2056683.875 2082956.125 5.680591106
173 5.660968781 103.3965912 250.0 -0.06809257716 -0.04085547104 0.9968421459 2481887.5 2514519.5 1.11269021
186 -1.279565811 101.2795563 250.0000153 0.01233130135 -0.01233132742 0.9998478889 2591881.75 2593823.0 1.747841358
212 5.587198734 96.64768219 251.0799866 -0.06809251755 0.04085548222 0.9968422651 2481887.5 2514519.5 0.2006378919
phase_p diffraction_order Hx Hy Hz f_s f_p refractive_index
3.118281841 0.0 7.148333549 102.3827744 160.0 0.7891492248 0.7908383608 1.518522382
5.680591106 0.0 -11.80871105 92.91477966 160.0 0.7770783901 0.782813549 1.518522382
1.11269021 0.0 5.58719492 103.3523254 251.0800018 1.0 1.0 1.0
1.747841358 0.0 -1.266245365 101.266243 251.0800018 1.0 1.0 1.0
0.2006378919 0.0 2.182572842 98.69045258 300.9220886 1.0 1.0 1.0
parent_idx family_idx surface wavelength light_source
89.0 9.0 LP86NPVUVMR 550 LP86R718Q6B
66.0 18.0 LP86NPVUVMR 550 LP86R718Q6B
141.0 13.0 LP86PQO2JLV 550 LP86R718Q6B
154.0 26.0 LP86PQO2JLV 550 LP86R718Q6B
164.0 4.0 LP86NPVY4K9 550 LP86R718Q6B



We can run analysis that is already in surface.analyses straight away:

surface = part['surface_id']
analysis = surface.find_analysis(name = "Spot (Coherent Irradiance) Huygens",
                                 rays = {laser: 1e6, laser2: 1e8},
                                 resolution = (400, 400)
results = setup.run(analysis)

If the analyses that we want is not added yet, we need to add it and then run it.
We have two ways of doing that:

results = setup.run(analysis)

If you would try to add analysis with exactly the same parameters as one that you already have, you should use force = True argument to make sure that you are interested with duplicated analysis.
Otherwise, choose the existing analysis and run it instead. This helps optimizing your system memory credits usage.


Even if we didn’t store it in another variable, we can view and analize the latest results in a raw form:

# For jupyter notebooks or HTML

# For scripts

The result will be a pandas dataframe (pd.DataFrame) with all the different matrices.
The columns of the dataframe are:
- data: The matrix of the results for that row’s configuration.
- polarization: The polarization of the data.
- wl: The wavelength of the data.
- spot_target_kind: Can be either ‘Source’, ‘Group’ or ‘Total’, indicating if the data is the result of a single source, coherent group or the total results of all the light sources.
- spot_target: The id of the light source\coherent group.

For example, let’s say I am looking for the “X” polarization, 400 nm rays hit matrix:

mask = (results.wl == 400) & (results.polarization == 'X')
filtered_results = results[mask].data

and, of course, any pd.DataFrame manipulation will work as usuall.

If you plan on running the anlysis again, it is really important to store a deepcopy of analysis.results in the matrix variable.
Otherwise, the variable will hold the pointer to the results property of the analysis, and the previous results will be overriden.
Another option is to store the results of setup.run(analysis) in another variable, since it outputs a copy anyway.

If we want to see the matrices as a images, we can simply:

#for results (not ray table) This is a new method that replaces the visualize_matrix method. Can apply filters directly. Also supports interactive mode
tdo.visualize_results(results, wavelength = 400, polarization = 'None')

#for static figure (old method)
matrix = results.data[0]

#for interactive figure (old method)
matrix = results.data[0]
tdo.visualize_matrix(matrix, interactive = True)

Batch Analyses

We can run a batch of Analyses on a certain analysis object, where the positions of the parts in each iteration is defined by a CSV file that you create for your needs.
For this type of analysis, you may define filters for which results you want to recieve in order to save calculation time.

Generating a valid file

To generate a valid CSV file for this validation function, ensure the column headers correspond to valid part_id values from the setup, matching exactly with those in the parts_id_list provided to the function. Each cell in the CSV file must contain a valid configuration string that adheres to the specified pattern: one or more components in the format [XYZABG] followed by an optional negative sign, a digit, and an optional decimal (e.g., X10, Y-5.2, Z0.001). Values must be strings conforming to this structure, with no invalid characters or improperly formatted data. Avoid leaving cells empty or including any extra whitespace. By following these rules, the CSV file will pass validation successfully.

X Y Z stand for the location of the part in each axis, A B G refer to the rotation. For example if you define just Z value for a part in a certain iteration the rest of the values will remain the same as The initial state of the setup, NOT the last iteration.

Example File:

Running the analyses

Available parameters to filter the results you want to calculate:
‘parameters’ keys:
polarization (list) -> [“X”,“Y”,“Z”,“NONE”] | Can use one or more to select what kind of polarization you want to calculate.
has_total (bool, default True) -> True/False | true means you will recieve results for all light sources combined in addition to results for each lightsource.
has_coherence_groups (bool, default True) -> True/False | true means you will recieve results for coherence groups in addition to results for each lightsource.

configurations_csv_path (str CSV file path, default None): Path to a csv file where each line is a configuration for an analysis iteration. Guide for creating such file is in our website.
paramaters (Dict, default None): Filters for what analysis parameters you want to calculate, used to filter out unwanted parametes of anlysis when running analysis WITH CSV FILE ONLY.

analysis = setup.detectors[0].get('front').analyses[0] ### Assuming you have an analysis attached to the detector surface
download_links_dict = setup.run(analysis, "positions_file.csv", parameters={'polarization' :['NONE']})

This will return a dictioanry with links to download the analysis binary files for each setup.

Downloading the results

In order for you to download these files easily we implemented a method to do that.

target_dir = test_setup.download_analysis_files(data = download_links_dict, setups_to_download_range = [0,9])

This will download analyses iterations 0-9 (these are zero indexed) to a new results directory created inside your working directory. Inside this results directory, a sub directory will be created for each iteration with its relevant results binary files. in addition, a maps_url.json file will be downloaded and its required for the formatting of the binary files. If you wish to download the files to a directory of your choosing and not the default results directory, you may give a path to the directory as an argument.

Turning the binary files to a results dataframe

In order to view the results of a certain iteration as a data frame in the same format of a regular analysis, we implemented a method to convert these binary files to results.

df = setup.proccess_analysis_files(analysis,"results/setup_0", "results/maps_url.json")

The arguments for this method are the analysis object which you ran the batch simulation for, the path to the directory of the iteration you want to see the results of and the path to the maps_url.json file which was downloaded in the previoud step. this method will return a results dataframe identical to a regular analysis, with the filters you applied in step 1.

Create a new tdo.Optics in your product catalog

As for now, the SDK supports creating spherical,conic, asphere lenses and mirrors.

Create Lenses

Spherical Lenses

To create spherical lens, we can use client.create_spherical_lens method. The arguments are:

The method returns the number id of the created element.

lens_db_id = client.create_spherical_lens(name = name,
                                              material = material,
                                              diameter = diameter,
                                              thickness = thickness,
                                              r1 = r1,
                                              r2 = r2)

Conic Lenses

To create conic lens, we can use client.create_conic_lens method. The arguments are:

The method returns the number id of the created element.

lens_db_id = client.create_spherical_lens(name = name,
                                              material = material,
                                              diameter = diameter,
                                              thickness = thickness,
                                              r1 = r1,
                                              r2 = r2,
                                              k1 = k1,
                                              k2 = k2)

Biconic Lenses

To create conic lens, we can use client.create_conic_lens method. The arguments are:

The method returns the number id of the created element.

lens_db_id = client.create_spherical_lens(name = name,
                                          material = material,
                                          diameter = diameter,
                                          thickness = thickness,
                                          r1_x = r1_x,
                                          r1_y = r1_y,
                                          r2_x = r2_x,
                                          r2_y = r2_y,
                                          k1_x = k1_x,
                                          k1_y = k1_y,
                                          k2_x = k2_x,
                                          k2_y = k2_y)

Asphere Lenses

To create aspheric lens we can use the client.create_aspheric_lens method. requreid arguments are:

lens_db_id = client.create_aspheric_lens(name = name,
                                         material = material,
                                         diameter = diameter,
                                         thickness = thickness,
                                         r1_x = r1_x,
                                         r1_y = r1_y,
                                         r2_x = r2_x,
                                         r2_y = r2_y,
                                         k1_x = k1_x,
                                         k1_y = k1_y,
                                         k2_x = k2_x,
                                         k2_y = k2_y,
                                         coeffs_front = coeffs_front,
                                         coeffs_back = coeffs_back)

Create Multiplet

To create a multiplet lens, we can use the client.create_multiplet method. Required arguments are:

Optional arguments include:

The method returns the db_id of the new multiplet as a string.

multiplet_db_id = create_multiplet(name=name,

Create Aperture

You can create a new Aperture in the database with client.create_aperture method.
The requietd arguments are:

aperture_db_id = client.create_aspheric_lens(name,
                                             inner_dims_x = inner_dims_x,
                                             inner_dims_y = inner_dims_y,
                                             outer_dims_x = outer_dims_x,
                                             outer_dims_y = outer_dims_y,
                                             is_inner_elliptical = is_inner_elliptical,
                                             is_outer_elliptical = is_outer_elliptical,
                                             inner_phase = inner_phase,
                                             inner_transmittance = inner_transmittance,
                                             outer_phase = outer_phase,
                                             outer_transmittance = outer_transmittance,

Create Grating

You can create a new grating in the database with client.create_grating method.
It requires the following arguments:

For example:

circular_grating_id = client.create_grating(name = 'example circular grating',
                                            material = material,
                                            orientation_vector = [1, 0, 0],
                                            shape = 'cir',
                                            thickness = 3,
                                            diameter = 5,
                                            subtype = 'Reflective Grating',
                                            grooves = 200,
                                            order = 2,
rectangular_transmission_grating_id = client.create_grating(name = 'example circular grating',
                                                            material = material2,
                                                            orientation_vector = [0, 1, 0],
                                                            shape = 'rec',
                                                            thickness = 3,
                                                            height = 2,
                                                            width = 1.5,
                                                            subtype = 'Transmission Grating',
                                                            grooves = 200,
                                                            order = 2,
                                                            blaze_angle = 20,
                                                            blaze_wavelength = 450


Utils Module

Get spot size

tdo.utils.calculate_spot_size(matrix) calculates the diameter of the blocking circle of the biggest contours of the matrix, in pixels.

# Assuming that this analysis exists already
setup = client['setup_id']
detector = setup.get('detector_label')
detector_front = detector.get('front')

analysis = detector_front.analysis_with(name ="Spot (Incoherent Irradiance)",
                                        rays = {laser1: 2.5e6, laser2: 2.5e6},
                                        resolution = (1000, 1000)
# Run the analysis
results = setup.run(analysis)

# Calculate spot size
spot_size_dia = tdo.calculate_spot_size(results.data[0])
print(f'Analysis spot size diameter for X polarization at 550 nm is {spot_size_dia}')

tdo.utils.encircled_energy(matrix, percent) calculates the diameter of the circle that centers at the center of energy mass, and contains percantage of the matrix’s total energy.

encircled_energy_radius, center = tdo.encircled_energy(matrix, 0.9)
print(f'Analysis encircled 90% energy radius for X polarization at 550 nm is {encircled_energy_radius} with the center at {center}')

Of course, these values are pixel values. In order to get absolute values in length units, use tdo.utils.absolute_pixel_size:

pixel_radius, center = tdo.encircled_energy(matrix, 0.95)
absolute_radius = tdo.absolute_pixel_size(detector.size, analysis.resolution)[0] * pixel_radius # Assuming that the resolution is symmetrical
print(f'95% Encircled energy radius is {absolute_radius} mm')

tdo.utils.quick_focus(ray_table, point,detector) Focuses the given detector in the relevant focus point given the input point. Uses min RMS to focus similliar to the GUI.

ray_table = setup.run()
tdo.utils.quick_focus(ray_table=ray_table, point=[0,30,130],detector=setup.detectors[0])

# Now the detector at the focus point


In order to perform a scan, all we need to do is to define an analysis:

analysis = tdo.Analysis(name = "Spot (Incoherent Irradiance)",
                        rays = {light_source: 1e5, light_source2: 5e4}
                        resolution = [500, 500],
                        surface = detector.get('front')

Or choosing an existing one:

analysis = detector_front.analysis_with(name = name,
                                        rays = rays,
                                        resolution = resolution
assert analysis is not None

Then, we need to iteratively change the properties of some part in the setup and store the results.

def scan_z(lens, analysis, dz_range, steps):

    # Store the original pose
    original_pose = lens.pose.copy()

    # Store the results here
    results_history = []

    # Iterate over the lens location in the z axis
    for dz in np.arange(dz_range[0], dz_range[1] + steps, steps):

        #Define absolute new pose
        delta = [0, 0, dz, 0, 0, 0]
        new_pose = [j+h for j, h in zip(original_pose, delta)]

        # Apply changes

        # Run analysis
        results = setup.run(analysis)
        results = {"dz": dz, "results": results}

        # Store them

    return results_history

results = scan_z(lens, analysis, (-1, 1), 0.1)

Similarly, you will be able to perform grid scan, changing multiple parameters together.


If you have a merit or loss function you wish to optimize or minimize, consider using tdo.optimize.
Here are few examples:

import threed_optix.optimize as opt

def loss(new_yz):

    # Define absolute new pose
    y, z = new_yz
    new_pose = original_pose.copy()
    new_pose[1] = y
    new_pose[2] = z

    # Change len's pose

    # Run analysis
    results = setup.run(analysis)

    # Get the right image
    image = results.data[1] # Assuming that the second line is the matrix of interst

    # Calculate spot size can be any function that returns a scalar you want to minimize.
    spot_size_diameter = tdo.calculate_spot_size(image)

    print(f"dz: {dz}, dy: {dy}, spot size: {spot_size_diameter}")
    return spot_size_diameter

# Assuming the initial guess is the current lens position
lens = setup.get('lens1')
original_pose = lens.pose.copy()

y = original_pose[1]
z = original_pose[2]
initial_guess = [y, z]

# Define bounds to avoid getting out of desired range
low_y = y -1
high_y = y + 1
low_z = z -1
high_z = z + 1
bounds = [(low_y, high_y), (low_z, high_z)]

# Execute search
result = opt.minimize(loss, initial_guess, method='Nelder-Mead', bounds = bounds)

# Get the optimized values
best_y, best_z = result.x

# Output the best values found
print(f"Best z: {best_z}, Best y: {best_y}")

best_pose = original_pose.copy()
best_pose[1] = best_y
best_pose[2] = best_z

Ofcourse, the optimization will be done up to the point where there is no change in the pixel radius.
In order to bypass this, you could make the detector smaller and smaller as the iteration goes.
If you do so, you should return the absolute value, rather then pixel one.

Matlab code

If you have a general matlab code you wish to use in our SDK, you could simply translate it to python. We recommend using matlab2python library from the github repo:

pip install matlab2python@git+https://github.com/ebranlard/matlab2python.git#egg=m

And then use in your code:

import matlabparser as mpars

mlines="""# a comment
x = linspace(0,1,100);
y = cos(x) + x**2;
pylines = mpars.matlablines2python(mlines, output='stdout')

This is an external library that’s not part of our SDK, nor was built by us.
Use output code with caution.


3DOptix API is available with MIT License.